Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A new SJ hero speaking out on governance

Our readings for this week have revealed a new hero, Systems Ecologist James Gustave Speth, who says we need to “revoke the charters of corporations that grossly violate the public interest, and to exclude or expel unwanted corporations, roll back limited liability, eliminate corporate personhood, bar corporations from making political contributions, and limit corporate lobbying.” Hear, hear! In regards to economic growth he said we need to build community rather than increase consumption to attain good health and happiness. WRT SJ he said that extreme poverty and extreme wealth are the opposite sides of the same coin. We need to redistribute wealth to solve it. I would go one step farther than the author David Korten did in comparing to neoclassical economist Jeffrey Sachs. Sachs said fine tuning at the margins is one way to solve the governance problem. With that I agree. Carving off wealth from the extremely wealthy will have an indiscernable marginal effect to them, but a sea change effect to the extremely poor. The high tide raises all boats theory Sachs espouses does not apply because we're running out of water (pun intended). When there's nothing left to "trickle down," the trickle down theory is disproven. Redistributing from the wealthiest (most generated from overly powerful large corporations) directly to the poorest is the best direct method to get all the boats in the water.


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